

An estimated 21 million adults in the UK suffer from at least one allergy with an estimated 10 million adults suffering from more than one allergy. According to a recent Mintel Survey, nearly 1% of the population identify as Vegan, 2% Vegetarian and an increasing amount of the population are ‘flexitarians’ and reduce their animal product use.  

Our mission at Heaven & Hellthy is to give delicious peace of mind and satisfaction to those who are often overlooked and stigmatized.


Our Mission


An estimated 21 million adults in the UK suffer from at least one allergy with an estimated 10 million adults suffering from more than one allergy. According to a recent Mintel Survey, nearly 1% of the population identify as Vegan, 2% Vegetarian and an increasing amount of the population are ‘flexitarians’ and reduce their animal product use.  

Our mission at Heaven & Hellthy is to give delicious peace of mind and satisfaction to those who are often overlooked and stigmatized.

Good food that tastes naughty.