Life as a former model, life coach, spartan champion and without alcohol - S1 EP 10 - Jen Fairbairns SEASON 1Guest UserJuly 19, 2020female empowerment, adversity, sober living, sobriety, endurance, body image, strengthComment
Journey Outside the System - The joys and struggles of a conscious, war surviving, operations manager - S1 EP 9 - Turath Alsaraf SEASON 1Guest UserJuly 12, 2020female empowerment, adversity, trauma, sisterhood, meditation, organization, productivity, management, communicationComment
Life as a trauma healer working with plant medicines, primal therapies and guided meditation - S1 EP 8 - Holly Angela Clark SEASON 1Guest UserJuly 5, 2020adversity, trauma, sisterhood, meditation, plant medicine, primal therapy, natural healingComment
Self-development while maintaining a corporate career with Sonos Communications Manager - S1 EP 7 - Shakira Payne SEASON 1Guest UserJune 28, 2020adversity, trauma, sisterhood, meditation, natural healing, corporate wellbeing, female empowerment, managementComment
Corporate Process Improvement Consultant by Day / Sensual Movement Guide by Night - S1 EP 6 - Kensey Allure SEASON 1Guest UserJune 21, 2020adversity, trauma, sisterhood, corporate wellbeing, female empowerment, sensual movement, sexual trauma, pole dancing, belly dancingComment
Getting comfortable being uncomfortable talking about racism and startup life - S1 EP 5 - Vanessa Sturman SEASON 1Guest UserJune 14, 2020adversity, communication, racism, equality, startup life, vegan, plant basedComment
Life as a nomadic fire dancer, massage therapist and investor - S1 EP 4 - Hannah Diment SEASON 1Guest UserMay 31, 2020adversity, communication, investment, fire dancing, massage therapy, van life, sobriety, sober livingComment
Life as a special effects makeup artist and using masks to heal - S1 EP 3 - Anna Kiesser SEASON 1Guest UserMay 24, 2020sisterhood, female empowerment, masks, makeup artist, special effects makeup, balance, fire dancingComment
Using movement to keep your channel open and saying no to the pentagon - S1 EP 2 - Atticus Mooney SEASON 1Guest UserMay 17, 2020sisterhood, movement, dance, embodiment, embodied movement, DJ, Music, Ecstatic Dance Comment
Starting an event tech business and distraction opportunities - S1 EP 1 - Stephanie Zellhoefer SEASON 1Guest UserMay 10, 2020movement, dance, Music, startup life, distractionsComment